Archive for category URBAN LIVING

Puckelball Pitch, Malmø

Is Dr. Seuss still alive, hiding out in Sweden, working as an urban planner? Not quite. The puckelball pitch made of artificial turf is a design concept by artist Johan Strom, who created this field in Malmö, Sweden as a metaphor for life:

“Many live under the belief that life is a fair playing field, that both pitch halves are just as big and the goal always has at least one cross. But ultimately the ball never bounces exactly where you want it to and the pitch is both bumpy and uneven.”

The rolling landscape of the field is meant to inspire imaginative play and to encourage fair competition between skilled and unskilled players, young and old, boys and girls. It was nominated in the Making Space 2010 competition that gives prizes to the best architectural and designed spaces for children.

Every city in the world should be lucky enough to have a field like this !



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Phlegm,- Urban Art

Phlegm, Whale + Ship, Rotherham

Phlegm, ‘Manatee/Otter/Cat’, Sheffield

Phlegm, Sheffield

Phlegm, Timelapse Video

See more by Phlegm.

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The Wyckoff Exchange af Andre Kikoski Architect

Manhattan firm Andre Kikosi Architect installed a folding Corten steel façade to transform this disused New York warehouse into a market and music venue.

The motorised façade of The Wyckoff Exchange is made up of five panels, which fold outwards to shelter the pavement and reveal a glass skin beneath.

LED lights hidden within perforations on the metal sheets give the building a glowing effect at night, when the shutters provide protection for the shops inside.

The building houses a live music and performance venue, an organic food market and boutique wine shop.

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